Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's tough being a landlord

Or rather landlords must be tough. It's a necessity. Tenants screw you over any way they can. This week, I was horrified to find:

1. The guy has not vacuumed nor cleaned an inch of space in a year
2. Must have thing for black fabric, carpet covered w threds and fuzz
3. Two bathrooms wretched beyond recognition

Lessons learned:
1. Save the real estate agent fees. Thanks for nothing. Nothing in the deal to protect my interests.
2. Draft my own lease terms, interview my own potential tenants
3. It's necessary to be "not nice" so one is not taken advantage of


Gloria said...

Wow, the guy left after one year, and left you with all these mess to fix?

Shirley said...

yup, sucks. Oh well, at least it's a problem with a straightforward solution