Sunday, February 15, 2009

Part 2 - Tokyo-HK Dec'08

The trip was a blast. And total pig-out for me. By the way, it's been 2 months, and I am still trying to work off the 5lbs I gained in 2weeks. That's also why I don't have any time to write a blog anymore..... : ) Need all the time I can get to hit the gym.

Highlight of my trip:
(1) Seeing friends and family. Not a single day spent on my own. Thank you to everyone for the caring and taking time to be with me. Heartfelt.
(2) Onsen-ing in Japan, of course. Just cannot explain, but nothing is more relaxing and mind clearing than washing oneself down from head to toe, and then immersing one's whole body into a pool of 40C water.

What I must try doing next time: not catching a cold in Japan.

1 comment:

wendy said...

My other half says the same thing but after 2 yrs he still can't shake off what he gains from the cruises.