Monday, June 16, 2008

The little things of daily Toronto living

Situation: got a speeding ticket last week, on a stretch of road where I am actually anal about driving at the speed limit, because I know how popular it is for speed traps. Argh, slight lapse in mental focus, first day back from Chicago trip. Sigh.

Consolation - 6 days later, I find money in a parking lot. Came out of a restaurant after lunch with some workmates, got into my car, and all I could see, in the patch of green lawn in front of my parking space was a crsip $20 bill, which also happens to be green. How I managed to see it, don't know - luck is that way, surprising. Thinking it was a divine revelation - went all out and put the $20 on lottery, blew it of course, got 2 numbers per / line x 10 lines. No prize money.

Lesson learned: Don't think about work when driving - it causes mental diversions with unpleasant consequences. And don't read too much into the little things, like finding money.

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